screen man-page 정리.

-e xy
     specifies  the  command  character to be x and the character generating a literal command character to y
     (when typed after the command character).  The default is "C-a" and  'a',  which  can  be  specified  as
     "-e^Aa".  When creating a screen session, this option sets the default command character. In a multiuser
     session all users added will start off with this command character. But when  attaching  to  an  already
     running  session,  this option changes only the command character of the attaching user.  This option is
     equivalent to either the commands "defescape" or "escape" respectively.

-e xy

specifies  the  command  character to be x and the character generating a literal command character to y 
(when typed after the command character).  
x : command  character
y : literal command character
 screen 의 기본 literal command character 는 a 이고
CTRL+V 와 CTRL+a 의 키조합은 ^A 로 표시되기 때문에 command character 는 ^A 가 됩니다.

The default is "C-a" and  'a',  which  can  be  specified  as "-e^Aa".  
-e 옵션 뒤에 x 에 해당하는 ^A 그리고 y 에 해당하는 a 를 명시해 줍니다.

When creating a screen session, this option sets the default command character. 

In a multiuser session all users added will start off with this command character. 

But when  attaching  to  an  already running  session,  this option changes only the command character of the attaching user.

This option is equivalent to either the commands "defescape" or "escape" respectively.

escape xy

Set the command character to x and the character generating a literal command character  (by  triggering  the
"meta" command) to y (similar to the -e option).  Each argument is either a single character, a two-character
sequence of the form "^x" (meaning "C-x"), a backslash followed by an octal number (specifying the ASCII code
of  the  character),  or  a  backslash  followed by a second character, such as "\^" or "\\".  The default is

defescape xy

Set the default command characters. This is equivalent to the "escape" except that  it  is  useful  multiuser
sessions  only.  In  a  multiuser  session  "escape" changes the command character of the calling user, where
"defescape" changes the default command characters for users that will be added later.

screenrc 파일을 이용하여 설정할 때는 escape xy  형식으로 지정합니다.

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